Sunday 16 June 2024


When I say not everything is complete without him, I mean it. 

Like our  PTM without him treating us to ice creams,
even if our scores were average. 

A letter without him asking, "What do you want?"
even if the request was extravagant. 

A drive without him guiding us to uncharted paths,
even if he was exhausted from work. 

Shopping trips without him tagging along,
even if it wasn't his interest. 

Dinners without his charming demands
and our request for him to let us know before we start.

Lunches without him waiting for us,
even if he was famished. 

Our discussions flowed smoothly
even with his unrelatable questions,
yet we would still start over.

A table of gossips was dull without his poor jokes,
even though he would always be the first one to laugh.

Festivities without his captivating stories,
even if it was the 100th retelling.
They always felt fresh and intriguing. 


Because that’s our Baba
Nothing can go empty if he is around.
Everything is incomplete without him.
It will always be.
Because he completes us unconditionally.

Sailing together since '92

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