Wednesday 9 November 2022

Phone a friend !

Every day was a struggle for her. She never saw the sun rise on her side. The light never made its way through the curtains, but her eyes yearned for it. The eggs in her breakfast were scrambled, just like her life. As she remembered her dream from the night before, the tea tasted bitter. Welcome to Lamika's morning.

She opens her window only to welcome the kitchen sounds of her nosy neighbour. 
Crows cawing, cars honking, and trains passing through her line of sight were common sights. 
In the last two years, she's learned lot. 
Perhaps the windows are just way to escape and see other people's lives because ours is never interesting. 
The lady juggling ladles and bowls is true magician. That sweeper
 is burying all of our dirt beneath the carpet. 
Car washers are, in fact, cleaning up the shite and mess we've made of nature. 
Oh, and how could we forget the latest fitness craze? 
The fitness tracker band has become our new best friend. 
Because it cares more abut her than her friend. 
The fitness tracker band is our new best friend. Well, because it cares about her more than her friend Namita did and senses even her stress level, it calms her down with a notification.

ping from an unknown number triggered quantum leap in her life. She tried to remember, amusing herself by pretending to know her. It wasn't the lady's frail voice but the clicking sound she made while speaking that drew her to Binsar Lane.

Her daily visit to her small cottage for relaxing ginger tea and buttery scrambled egg made her forget everything. 
Aunty's stories about going down the stairs for water every day and playing seven stones with boys 
How they'd make ball out of plastics and it would hit her so hard that her skin turned red in some places. 
Lamika's face and eyes twinkled with delight as she listened to her stories all over again after years.

It wasn't phone call, trip down memory lane, or the perfect tea and eggs-it was the first and last person to wish her happy birthday.

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