Saturday 5 November 2022

Maiden Voyage

Through the eyes of a solo traveller ; London bridge (2022)

As a little girl, I always wanted to earn my own money and do something for myself and my loved ones. I was raised in a disciplined Indian army environment where adventures, shifts in relations, and friends were normal. Our family travelled a lot . Be it vacations or just postings , I was accustomed to change and adjustments. Time flowed by, and so did dreams. But one thing that stayed constant was the wish to travel solo. 

It happened and never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that my first ever solo trip would be an international trip to London. A different world and culture altogether. The mirror buildings, where the faces of dreams and desires were visible clearly; the rush of passion in the streets; monuments of a thousand years still standing strong through years of experience. I have encountered the best of people who helped me reach destinations and escape my difficult times with just a medium size of coffee and a bright, warm smile. I never thought I was building memories of a lifetime . I decided to walk and see London because missing out on interactions with humans is not my thing. So I walked nearly 40 kilometers, which I now proudly brag about to my friends over drinks at parties. 

 Now whenever I feel low and weak , I quietly scroll through photos of my trip and remind myself of how strong I am and what a life-changing experience I’ve had . The little girl who always saw it in movies and wished for it has finally done it. I sip my tea and gear up for whatever life brings to me next with that thought. This will always be my favourite story, and I know now that there are many more journeys to be made.

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